2021年9月20日• 3分钟
Stay on the path to financial wellness with a solid retirement plan.
一般 speaking, as much as possible. You need to build a fund that you'll be able to draw on for much of your retirement income. This is most feasible if you start early and make smart choices. Contribute as much as you can to tax-advantaged savings vehicles (e.g.(如401(k)和个人退休账户).* Then round out your retirement portfolio with other investments (e.g., stocks, bonds, and mutual funds). As you’re planning and saving for retirement, keep in mind that you may have 30 or more years of retirement to fund. So, you probably need an even bigger nest egg than you think. 首先使用 退休的计算器 as a starting point for how much money you’ll need to retire.
As you're planning and saving, keep in mind that you may have 30 or more years of retirement to fund. You’ll probably need an even bigger nest egg than you think.”
Your particular circumstances will determine how much money you should save for retirement. Maybe you have a pension plan, or maybe your Social Security benefits will be large enough to tide you over. If so, you may not need to save as much as other people. But other personal factors will enter the picture, too. If you plan to retire early (e.g. 50岁或55岁), you'll have even more retirement years to fund and will need larger assets than someone who plans to work until age 65 or 70. Conversely, you may require fewer assets if you plan on working part-time during retirement.
Your 预计的费用 during retirement will also help determine how much money you'll need and how much you need to save to get there. Certain costs (like food, utilities, and insurance) will be shared by almost all retirees. But you may still be saddled with retirement 费用 that many retirees no longer have (like mortgage payments or a child's tuition). Expenses will also depend on the type of retirement lifestyle you want. How many nights a week will you dine out? How much traveling will you do? These kinds of questions will give you a better idea of how much money you'll be spending once you retire. 在一般情况下, the greater your anticipated retirement 费用, the more you need to save each year to meet those 费用.
Make sure you know the full details about any products you want to use for retirement, 包括养老金. 一般, annuity contracts have fees and 费用, 限制, 除外责任, 持有时间, 终止条款, and terms for keeping the annuity in force. Most annuities have surrender charges that are assessed if the contract owner surrenders the annuity. Withdrawals of annuity earnings are taxed as ordinary income. Withdrawals prior to age 59½ may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty. Any guarantees are contingent on the claims-paying ability and financial strength of the issuing insurance company
Planning for retirement? Patelco's guide will help you calculate your retirement income, 费用, and understand the types of plans and savings tools.
It may be difficult but it is possible to save for retirement and your child’s college costs. Make smart choices and you can reach both goals!
你是 a boomer who is hoping to retire soon? Get retirement tips to help you craft a plan for retiring and maximize your finances in your golden years!