2023年5月24日 • 7分钟
As automakers release more electric vehicle (EV) options to customers, you may be interested in making the switch from gasoline to electric. And it’s a great time to buy. More EV models are available, their 范围 continues to improve, and government incentives make 电动汽车s more affordable than ever.
Before you go electric, here’s what you need to know.
You can find 电动汽车s available at various price points, 从经济实惠的紧凑型掀背车到价格较高的电动汽车, 跨界车, SUVs and even pickup trucks.”
EVs now come in a 范围 of models, from small hatchbacks to luxury SUVs. Choosing the one that’s right for you depends on a variety of factors. Here’s what to consider when shopping for an 电动汽车:
如果你的旅行距离较短,并且在目的地有电动汽车充电站, a fully 电动汽车 may be a good choice for you. If you drive long distances or have limited access to EV 负责rs, 其他选择,如混合动力或汽油动力汽车,可能是未来几年的正确选择.
如果你想找一辆能舒适地容纳七名乘客、还能放杂货和装备的电动汽车,你的选择会更少. Once car manufacturers release more full-size electric trucks, 你会开始在市场上看到更多宽敞的电动suv,价格也更实惠.
You’ll need a place to 负责 your 电动汽车. 你可以选择在家里充电,如果你的雇主提供充电站,你也可以选择在工作场所充电. 公共充电器也可以在许多社区使用,但可能仅限于免费的.
在使用电动汽车之前, 请记住,电动汽车的性能与传统汽车不同. 电动汽车处理起来很像汽油动力汽车,但它们的加速速度不同. While it takes some time for a gas motor to reach maximum power, 只要你一踩油门,电动汽车就能达到它的巅峰. Some electric vehicles also feature “one pedal driving,在这种情况下,将脚从加速踏板上移开与踩刹车类似.
You can find 电动汽车s available at various price points, 从经济实惠的紧凑型掀背车到价格较高的电动汽车, 跨界车, suv和皮卡. 如果你需要更大的空间,更大的旅行距离和高端性能,你需要更大的预算.
年前, 电动汽车比燃油汽车贵得多, but many manufacturers have cut prices due to competition. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 includes an EV tax credit. The 2023 Nissan Leaf S starts at less than $30,000, 到2023年中期,它将成为美国销售成本最低的非停产电动汽车.
也就是说, 远程电动suv, pickups and luxury cars can cost more than $100,今天的000, 但专家预测,随着更多车型进入市场,它们的价格将会下降.
一般来说,保养一辆电动车比保养一辆汽油车便宜. You don’t have to worry about oil changes, 火花塞, 传动皮带, 或者传输服务, 而且大多数服务访问都很简单,就像检查和轮胎旋转一样.
如果你想要更长的行驶里程或更快的充电,计划投资一个二级充电站 at home, especially if you don’t have access to one at 工作.”
Three types of EV charging stations are available today.
Every new electric vehicle is sold with a Level 1 负责r, which does well if you have a short commute, 插电式混合动力车, or access to a charging station at 工作, or if you can 负责 your EV for more than 8 hours at night.
如果你想要更长的行驶里程或更快的充电,计划投资一个二级充电站. 这些240伏的充电器速度是原来的四倍,每小时充电可提供13到25英里的电力, 根据PG&E. 它们的价格在500到700美元之间,需要专业人员在你家里的专用电路上安装插座. 有超过45个,000 public 二级充电站 available across the country, 很多都是免费的. If you’re not charging at home, 你要确保你有一个可靠的、随时可用的二级工作站,而且你有时间去使用它. Some employers also offer this type of charging for employees.
如果你想快速充电,那就找直流或3级快速充电站. They’ll fully 负责 your EV in 10 to 30 minutes, 但它会让你付出代价——有时相当于加满一辆汽油车的油箱.
You can expect most EVs on the market today — including subcompact SUVs, 高性能的轿车, and 跨界车 — to go around 250 miles on a single 负责. 一些续航里程较长的车型一次充电可以行驶350英里以上, but these EVs will come at a much higher price point.
在低端, a few 电动汽车s and SUVs have 范围s of 100 miles or so, which 工作s for most households. 根据 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 85% of American households travel less than 100 miles on a typical day.
Most electric vehicles today have a 范围 of 250 miles. Lower-end models may only go 100 miles on a single 负责, 而高端电动汽车可以在不充电的情况下行驶350英里以上.”
The greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing, 充电和驾驶电动汽车通常比汽油车的温室气体排放总量要低, 环保局说. 本质上, 充电的好处——特别是随着国家投资更多的风能和太阳能——抵消了生产过程中产生的许多排放.
随着时间的推移, 随着制造业和电动汽车电池回收流程的不断改进,我们可以预期环境影响将会下降.
With the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, 联邦政府为新电动汽车和二手电动汽车购买者提供税收抵免选择. Dealers may apply the credit as an instant rebate at the time of purchase; alternatively, you may claim it when you file your taxes.
一些电力公司提供回扣计划,以帮助客户购买电动汽车和安装家庭充电站. 在加州,PG&E提供:
Purchasing or leasing an EV is a lot like 买车: You’ll want to understand what you can afford, 检查你的信用评分,谈判最优惠的价格,并准备为您的电动汽车投保和注册. 研究电动汽车的激励措施也是一个好主意,这样你就知道你可能有资格获得什么.
Finally, you’ll want to secure financing for your EV. Patelco offers car shopping tools and competitive fixed rates on 汽车贷款 to help you find and finance your 电动汽车 with ease. 首先, 检查房价 在线.
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1 根据 http://afdc.energy.gov/laws/ 截至2023年5月1日.