对于想要建立财务健康的会员, 养成良好的储蓄习惯, 保护他们的钱——另外,支票很适合你的生活. This one-of-a-kind package partners with industry leading providers EZShield® and BaZing to give you all the benefits of our everyday checking account, plus so much more. 如果你曾经担心过身份盗窃, 手机损坏, 或者被爆胎困住了, the Patelco 加检查 account comes with protection designed to put your mind at ease and safeguard your financial wellness.
In addition to all the benefits you’d get with a traditional Patelco checking account, 每月只需6美元.你会得到额外的好处:
Patelco是一家会员所有的非营利性金融合作社. 当您加入Patelco时,您将成为会员和股东. That’s why we’ll deposit one share ($1) in your Share 储蓄 account when you join.
Our mission is to help members achieve lifelong financial well-being so you can live happier, fuller生活.
不像大银行或其他营利性金融机构, we invest our profits back in our members with better rates and low- to no fees.
We also offer free financial advice to anyone who wants to improve their financial situation. 成员们告诉我们,他们感到被看到了, 听到, 通知, 并支持他们做出更自信的财务选择.
会员资格免费. 当你在我们这里开户时,你就成为会员了. 了解更多关于 所有会员的福利.
The 加检查 account is loaded with benefits at great value so you don’t have to pay more for protection elsewhere. For comparison, cell phone insurance typically costs $7-10 per month. Identity Guard Family售价12美元.50 – $34.99元/月. 路边援助每年花费50到156美元.
在 Patelco + Benefits网站 using your email address and temporary password emailed to you after account opening. 或下载Patelco +福利应用程序5 适用于iOS或Android.
You’ll be able to access all of the benefits that come with your 加检查 account on the website or Patelco + Benefits App.
All 加检查 account holders and family members can take advantage of this service. 例如, 如果你有大学生住在离家很远的地方, 这个好处可以帮助提供额外的内心平静. 拨打855.822.或使用Patelco +应用程序,点击“道路援助”.
每次事故我们最多赔偿80美元, 每12个月4次-用于拖曳, 漏气的轮胎, 电池, 和更多的.
It’s an easy way for you to automatically put money into your savings account with every debit card purchase. Every debit card purchase gets rounded-up to the nearest dollar with the rounded-up amount automatically transferred from your checking account to your savings account.
We will match 10% of the rounded-up amount and deposit it into your savings account up to $500 per year. 与我们联系 来建立这个福利.
你必须从你的+支票账户支付你的手机账单. 确保与你的供应商建立自动每月付款, 或登入网上银行使用帐单支付. 就是这么简单!
We’ll cover up to 3 phones with $400 maximum per claim ($800 maximum, or 2 claims per year. 只有损坏或被盗的手机才被覆盖.)
作为你+支票福利的一部分, 您将获得所有三个局的免费信用监控, 包括免费的季度信用报告. You’ll also receive alerts if anything on your credit profile changes.
使用在线ID保险库保存敏感信息, 文档, 以及你想要监控和保护的密码.
在您开户之后, we’ll tell you how to access the Online ID vault and set up your account.
为您和您的家人获得最高10美元的保险,000 a year of theft insurance to help cover charges accrued due to the theft (e.g. 律师的费用, lost wages) Fully managed ID Restoration Pro for the entire family to discover, 隔离和防止未来的欺诈行为. 监察公共纪录, 互联网和暗网, 发薪日贷款, 还有其他不属于你的信息的地方.
You can use any ATM worldwide and receive automatic reimbursement of ATM fees by the end of the day, 每月最多可报销两次.
你可以享受当地和全国的餐饮折扣, 娱乐, 旅行, health and shopping at thousands of merchants and stores you love like Target and Walgreens. Access the discounts on the Patelco + Benefits App powered by BaZing. You can even turn on alerts to receive notifications for discounts near you.
Your Patelco checking account comes with a free 借方万事达卡® that lets you make purchases easily and securely:
我叫杰瑞. 我加入帕特尔科已经15年了. 他们给了我最好的建议,没有谋取私利.
我叫安吉拉. 我现在正在向帕特尔科公司再贷款我的车. 我也在用他们的支票和存款.
我叫阿琪. If I think about it over the course of 22 years, I’ve probably saved thousands of dollars in fees.
我叫埃尔默. 帕特尔科是我财务策略的一部分. 这很简单.
想知道你的钱都去哪儿了? 了解什么是预算, how to make a budget and get budgeting tips to keep you on track to reach your financial goals.
你是否考虑使用自动账单支付? Find out the benefits and disadvantages of automating your bills to decide what is best for your finances.
Read this article to find out how to form good spending habits so you can stay on budget and reach your financial goals.
1 手机保护受附加条款和条件的约束. 身份、信用和汇总功能都需要注册. Participating merchants on Patelco + are not sponsors of the program, 如有更改,恕不另行通知, 可能不是在所有地区都有,可能会选择限制交易. 政策及帐户功能如有更改,恕不另行通知.
2 ATM手续费回扣, 作为支票福利的一部分, apply to cash withdrawals using your Mastercard® Debit 卡 wherever it is accepted. ATM手续费回扣 do not apply to any fees other than those assessed for using an ATM to withdraw cash from your 帕特尔科信用合作社 account. 帕特尔科信用合作社 reserves the right to modify or discontinue the ATM fee rebate at any time. 看到 会员手册 欲知详情.
3 The credit score is not necessarily the same score used by other credit bureaus.
4 Early access to direct deposit funds depends on the timing of the submission of the payment file from the payer. We generally make these funds available on the day the payment file is received, 哪一天可能比预定的付款日期早2天
5 The Patelco + 手机应用程序 (powered by BaZing) is available on the App Store and Google Play Store. Eligible account holders of 加检查 may download and login to the Patelco + 手机应用程序 using a valid email address and temporary password provided at the time of account opening. 并非所有版本的Android和iOS都支持.
万事达卡和万事达卡全球服务是注册商标, 圆圈的设计是一个商标, 万事达卡国际有限公司.
Zelle and the Zelle-related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, 并经许可在此使用.